As a result of pension reforms established by the Arizona Legislature, the Public Safety Personnel 457(b) Deferred Compensation and 401(a) Defined Contribution Retirement Plan (PSPDCRP) was created for eligible members of the Public Safety Personnel Retirement System (PSPRS) and the Corrections Officer Retirement Plan (CORP). Likewise, the Elected Officials Defined Contribution Retirement System (EODCRS) was created for eligible state and local elected officials. 

The DC Plans were designed to provide tax-deferred retirement savings to eligible members, giving them an opportunity to save and build financial security. To oversee the DC Plans, PSPRS Board of Trustees appointed a Defined Contribution Committee, which works diligently to provide quality investment options at competitive institutional rates generally available to larger plans or organizations. 

You can check out the PSRS Tier 1, 2 and 3 Plan provisions here. You can also look at the Corrections Officer Retirement Plan Tier 1, 2 and 3 Plan provisions

This website is dedicated to the 457(b) and 401(a) DC Plans, provided by Nationwide®, under the direction of PSPRS.

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Your pension and Social Security may not be enough to cover your expenses in retirement. The Public Safety 457(b) Deferred Compensation Plan can help bridge the income gap in retirement.

Here are a few reasons to take advantage of one or both of these plans:

  • Contributions are automatically deducted, making saving easy
  • Contributions can be made tax-deferred or on an after tax basis
  • Full control over how your money is invested
  • Your money can stay in the plan even after separation from service
  • Access to Nationwide® Plan Service Representatives up to and throughout retirement